
Who thinks Lebron is getting cocky?

Monday, March 1, 2010

Earthquake hits chile and many more.

There was an Earthquake that hit in Chile and many other countries as well. The after effect of Haiti's earthquake has also provoked tsunamis all over the world in countries such as Japan and Hawaii. That is why Chile is most likely not getting enough or all the attention as Haiti did. Remember Haiti's earthquake hit alone and now there are so many countries to lookout for. Although, I think they all deserve the same amount of attention. Chile's rector scale detected the earthquakes magnitude as 8.8 quake. There was a toll death of 723 people dead and 19 missing. The after effect of the earthquake were the tsunamis. Chile's infrastructure is well developed and strongly built so that is why it isn't as bad when it hit Haiti. Haiti is not yet highly developed so they had lots of support. I think Chile will be aided but they will get on their feet quick. Japan as well because they are already preparing and they are a superpower candidate. Hawaii was suppose to be in jeopardy but they dodged a bullet and now they lifted the warning for the state.In other news they said the Chile earthquake may have shortened the day. The earth slowed down its axis. This may be a very small difference they say it will be one millionth of a second less. interesting but nothing to worry about for now. All these earthquakes are looking suspicious. Its getting alot of people worried. Can New York be next? Is the world coming to an end? You decide.

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