
Who thinks Lebron is getting cocky?

Friday, February 26, 2010

Book review

To Kill a Mockingbird is a classic novel written by Harper Lee. It has won the author award and Pulitzer Prize award. The book is in the eyes of a little girl named Jean-Louise Finch also known as Scout. She starts off by talking about the time her older brother, Jem broke his arm. At first the novel talks about how Jem and Scout have their adventures of trying to meet their weird neighbor, Arthur "Boo" Radley. He was the outcast of the community of Maycomb. They would violate him by trying to expose him and make him come out of his house. They heard a lot of bad things about him that were not true. In reality he was a good person and he just liked his privacy. He did a lot of good things for Scout and Jem but very secretly that they werent aware of it until later. He is the one that ends up saving both of them.Through out the book another problem was a court case. It was about a colored man name Tom Robinson who was accused of raping a girl named Mayella Ewell. She was a very lonley girl who wanted a friend so she tried to seduce Tom. Tom would help out Mayella sometimes with her chores when she asked for his help. Mayella's father, Bob Ewell was a very bad man with a drinking problem. When he found out Mayella was hanging out with a blackman he was furious. So he beat her up until she was black and blue. We find out occasionalloy he would also rape her. To cover up his own mistake she forced Mayella to blame Tom. Tom wanted no part of Mayella and was only looking to be her friend and help her. Tom Robinson was guilty of his crime even though the defending argument was strong and it was clear he had no intention of hurting Mayella. It was a time of social prejudice and racism. Thats why he didnt win. Tom eventually dies in prison The lawyer defending Tom was Atticus Finch, Scouts father. Later on in the book Bob Ewell wants revenge from Atticus for making him look bad so he attacks Atticus' children. Luckily Boo Radley helped save their lives. These events make up to give the message of the book. Which is also potrayed in the title. One famous quote that Atticvus states is " It is a sin to kill a mocking bird.Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy but sing their hearts out for us. That's why it's a sin to kill a mockingbird." The mockingbird can also represent characters in the story such as Boo Radley he was a real gentlemen and people saw him as an outcast. Tom Robinson was a innocent helpful citizen and people saw him as a violent blackman. They both did good and never hurt anyone. This book gives the message of not judging people too quickly until you put put yourself in their shoes or thier skin becaue not everything is what it seems. Another major theme is to accept people for who they are as people and not alienate them because of race. Stop social inequlity, racism, and prejudicism. This is the statement the author was trying to make.This is why I love this book it is a great example of things that still go on and it teaches a valuable lesson. Like Muslims and Arabs being discriminated for 9/11. Some who dont have anything to do with it. Even people from other races and other religions were discriminated because of the event. What I learned is racism is still alive deep inside,people just conceal it. Also remember that there are only two kinds of people in this World, good and bad. I strongly recommend this book and give it a 5 out of 5.

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