
Who thinks Lebron is getting cocky?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

World ending or something more

Okay so recently there has been many earthquake. How can that possibly be. Theres just so many things going on all at once and they are wierd. Can it be our time can I be the world is ending with all these earthquakes and the recession. I mean it's just hitting random countries. Do you think this can also be the work of the government? Did we somehow find a way to control the weather or cause natural disasters. I looked into it an researched an it's true there is possible technology to do that and maybe government can do it or is Doing it but we don't know. We are not clear because government hides their research. What if they are doing this to other countries to get revenge or start our economy going. What if they do it so everyones economy can go down then it will be Americas chance to be on top and be the worlds only superpower. Notice there was suppose to be a earthquake/tsunami in Hawaii but it didn't happen the warning was put off. Doesn't this look strange as Hawaii Is part of the U.S. Also Japan said it didn't want no relation or alliance with US anymore diplomatically. Can this be revenge from the U.S. It can all be coincidences but hey I'm just thinking and it's just one theory. Not proven just a thought.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know. Even though technology probably CAN change the weather and what not, someone would know. Our government is not that intelligent. And I don't think they can pull something like that off. The thought of it is very scary though.
