
Who thinks Lebron is getting cocky?

Friday, April 30, 2010

Times Square bombing

There was a risk of bombing activity in Manhattan, 42nd street also known as Times Square. The attempt to make a very destructing scenario turned out to be nothing serious. Thank god it was stopped in time because it had the potential to make a statement. If one of the witnesses didn't spot smoke coming form a vehicle which was a blue Nissan Pathfinder, it could have injured and killed many people. In the vehicle police found a gun locker which contained eight bags of unknown substances which was later identified as non-explosive fertilizer. They were not a threat it was incapable of blowing up. Police officials also removed three propane tanks weighing in from 15 to 27 pounds. These were described as the kind used for backyard barbecues. One of the tanks had M-88 firecrackers attached to the side. Other than the gas tanks gasoline containers were found. Between the gasoline was a 16 ounce container filled with 20 to 30 M-88 firecrackers. On the floor of the car were two clocks that were connected with the gun locker and the can filled with the firecrackers. Were lucky that the bomb did not detonate. If it was blown the way it was suppose to the car would be split in half and we would have suffered a great number of casualties. The explosion did not have the capability of or strength to take down a structure. Had it not been for a food vendor to find out and alert a police officer in time the plan would have not been foiled, this all went down at 6pm evening. This allowed Officers to act quicks and bigan evacuating stores and civilians form the activity. They also had some stores on lockdown. Hats off to the vendor for also acting quick and taking responisibility as a citizen. Anyway turns out the Pathfinder had false license plates. They belong to another car and the VIN number was removed. There are many investigations on what was going on and who did it. They might have a possible suspect that changed his clothes near the car and then later left. Surveillance tapes are being reviewed for possible suspects of the crime. There are also rumors of Pakistani taliban called Tehrik-e Taliban that placed a video on the internet. They claimed they did it and took responsibility for the foiled attack but Police Commissioner Kelly claim they have no real evidence of this. The attacks purpose was to get revenge of thier leaders that were killed by American Forces. Also American and N.A.T.O interference at that part of the World. At the time President OBama was in Venice,Louisianna where he was taking care of the massive oil spill in the Gulf Coast. President Obama promise was "to see that justice is done." That is all on the story for now. No one is sure of who did it and why but there are still investigations goin on. We will know in a few weeks with a follow up on the story.

1 comment:

  1. Thats scary cuz it was on saturday nd mi dad was there to.
