
Who thinks Lebron is getting cocky?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cheap Cameras are Useless,Focus on terror and a new RIng of Steel camera system

Dear Daily News Editor, You are exactly right and you make a good point. I agree with you, we do need some changes to be more cautious and have more protection. New York City is huge and people are moving fast everyday because they are busy. As they say time is money and we dont always have time to spot the little things that lead to big crimes. For example the recent Time Square bombing, What did the cameras do? We dont even know if the man we accused is the same man identified on the camera. The cameras we have in NYC are useless. Whats the point of putting low budget cameras that give blurry images, the whole reason for putting them up is security and if it doesn't give us that then its pointless. You can get better cameras with high quality images that are affordable by the common man. I think we can all agree that even we can get better cameras than the one the City puts up. Maybe it will be a little more than the standard ones we have now but I dont think money should be a factor when there are lives at stake. These cameras can make a big difference, we should get them up and running. We can't use any real evidence with the video image we have of the suspect. It could have been anybody in that video. It just showed a man changing his clothes in Times Square. What crime can we charge him for but just a reasonable suspicion. Also the picture we found of him and his family members in Times Square is also irrelevant. Who doesnt go to the City to hangout. Everybody does, its just a family night out. Where did we get this guy from, Faisal Shazad. Did we just pull a name out from a hat? its just wierd it looks as if this was plotted we should have know about the car way before and maybe we would have if security was on point and if our cameras helped us out which it didnt. I think theres more to this story that meets the eye. The government needs to step their game up if they really want to fight terrorism. They shouldnt have even let this attempt be an attmept or have a chance of happening. Im glad they acted quick and no one got hurt but its very disturbing that they didnt have a clue. Get to it and rise security quickly because people are starting to feel unsafe. Whether its research, cameras, or more police officers.

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