
Who thinks Lebron is getting cocky?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

End Homeland insecurity

Dear Daily News Editor, I am with you all the way with this issue. There are two things I agree with. One is that we are too clueless about our enemy. For example, look at the 9/11 incident and the Iraqi war. During 9/11 we had no idea who did it, it hit us as a total shock. We blamed Osama Bin Laden, and we don't know if he really did it but well take the governments word for it. We blamed Saddam for WMD's and he ended up having none. We went to war with Afghanistan first to defeat Al'quada which is Osama's army. Then we went to Iraq and now we don't know who we are fighting because everyone looks like civilians. Its a guerrilla warfare or insurgency. If we want a safe environment we should be on the crime and the perpetrator right away. We shouldn't even let them get the opportunity to strike. Its easier said than done but that brings up my second topic. If we work hard enough we can achieve to fight against terrorism. In order to do that, we must have dedicated and effective workers who know what they are doing. For example,Homeland Security. Secretary Janet Napolitano is not doing a good job on the Time Square bombing case. Its as she is slacking and very far behind the game. She should of know what was going on and who was planning it. She also described the contents of the SUV as amateurish bomb technique. Not making a big deal out of it when if it did go off correctly it would have killed many people. Napolitano didn't know about Faisal Shahzad and that he got through airport security and was already boarded on a plane headed to Pakistan. Janet Napolitano misread everything and of all people,SHE should have been aware of a rising threat. I'm not trying to be harsh, people do make mistakes but I'm just saying that she should start taking things more serious and work more harder. Become more tough and precise so she can make an effective effort in fighting terrorism. If she cant handle that then we need to find someone who can.

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