
Who thinks Lebron is getting cocky?

Friday, April 30, 2010

Times Square bombing

There was a risk of bombing activity in Manhattan, 42nd street also known as Times Square. The attempt to make a very destructing scenario turned out to be nothing serious. Thank god it was stopped in time because it had the potential to make a statement. If one of the witnesses didn't spot smoke coming form a vehicle which was a blue Nissan Pathfinder, it could have injured and killed many people. In the vehicle police found a gun locker which contained eight bags of unknown substances which was later identified as non-explosive fertilizer. They were not a threat it was incapable of blowing up. Police officials also removed three propane tanks weighing in from 15 to 27 pounds. These were described as the kind used for backyard barbecues. One of the tanks had M-88 firecrackers attached to the side. Other than the gas tanks gasoline containers were found. Between the gasoline was a 16 ounce container filled with 20 to 30 M-88 firecrackers. On the floor of the car were two clocks that were connected with the gun locker and the can filled with the firecrackers. Were lucky that the bomb did not detonate. If it was blown the way it was suppose to the car would be split in half and we would have suffered a great number of casualties. The explosion did not have the capability of or strength to take down a structure. Had it not been for a food vendor to find out and alert a police officer in time the plan would have not been foiled, this all went down at 6pm evening. This allowed Officers to act quicks and bigan evacuating stores and civilians form the activity. They also had some stores on lockdown. Hats off to the vendor for also acting quick and taking responisibility as a citizen. Anyway turns out the Pathfinder had false license plates. They belong to another car and the VIN number was removed. There are many investigations on what was going on and who did it. They might have a possible suspect that changed his clothes near the car and then later left. Surveillance tapes are being reviewed for possible suspects of the crime. There are also rumors of Pakistani taliban called Tehrik-e Taliban that placed a video on the internet. They claimed they did it and took responsibility for the foiled attack but Police Commissioner Kelly claim they have no real evidence of this. The attacks purpose was to get revenge of thier leaders that were killed by American Forces. Also American and N.A.T.O interference at that part of the World. At the time President OBama was in Venice,Louisianna where he was taking care of the massive oil spill in the Gulf Coast. President Obama promise was "to see that justice is done." That is all on the story for now. No one is sure of who did it and why but there are still investigations goin on. We will know in a few weeks with a follow up on the story.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Blogging about the End of her life

25 year old Eva Markvoot had cystic fibrosis and created her blog 65_RedRoses to document her struggle in life. This disease is incurable, it causes mucus to gather in the lungs. For four years she has been blogging about her life with a terminal disease. It was very rare to get a double lung transplant so chance of surviving was to a minimum. This is not the interesting part. Its not meant to be a tragic story but one that is inspirational believe it or not. Whats amazing is that this young woman knows she is going to die and in her video this is what she said. "Hello to the World at large.To my blog, to my friends, to everyone. I have some news today. It's kinda tough to hear, but I can say it with a smile.My life is ending." Eva Markvoot knew she was going to die one day and she was living life to the fullest. She was prepared and instead of grieving she wanted to be connected to the world. According to Dr. Chris Fuedtner, research director Palliative Care Services at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. What the World is experiencing over the last decade has been a cultural shift. Publicly sharing your thoughts is a way to vent and acknowledge that the end is near and it decreases the fear and shame of death. Lets face it we all want to share what happens in our everyday lives through out the day. Hundreds and millions of people log into networking website such as Facebook and Twitter just to update their status messages its not surprising that someone would want to do this. Its interesting. People with terminal diseases must have a mindset of that they are still alive and they don't want to be closed off from the world not just yet. They want to use their time to explore and connect with others. So they let us know whats in store for us, what they learned during this new experience or situation for them. Through their journey and hardship they not only tell us what we want to know but what we need to know or be prepared for. Face it we will all come to this day we just don't know how and when. Eva Markvoot would not only connect with the world but tried to find other patients online as well. She would post videos write about her days upload pictures of her having fun with her family and friends. It wasn't always like this Eva didn't let you forget about the reality when doing her videos she would have cases of vomiting,nausea,hours trying to gasp for breath,and sleepiness. "I'm drowning in medication, I cant breath." Is what she wrote one time in her blog. Eva showed you her life but the theme of her blog was mostly surrounding love. Eva didn't know how much time she had and already processed that she was dying. So she celebrated her life due to a sense of urgency to fulfill it. "This is the end of my life but its not the end of my love." said Markvoot in a video entry. Unfortunatley we lost her, she died Tuesday Morning March,27. The same way Eva opened up her life for strangers using her blog, her parents will do the same with a live stream recording of a memorial service for Eva. You can see it at her blog 7 p.m. Friday. That was Eva's last wish to her mother. She thought it would be cool to let her family post for her bloggers how it is even after she is gone. R.I.P. Eva Markvoot. You were a brave person, I respect you giving up your dreams but still being optimistic and living life. I respect you for inspiring people through out the world and reaching out to them. Even right now I am blogging about you and your blog, pretty ironic. You will surely be remembered by many of your friends,family,and fans.
If you want more news on this story you can visit Eva Markvoots blog at or you can follow up on the full detailed coverage of the story on CNN at the hyperlink below..... You know what I realized its crazy how one individual can have such a huge impact on the World.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Yanks at DC

The New York Yankees are going to visit President Obama at the White house to celebrate their World Series win. They're on tour and on the way they will be also stopping by the Walter Reed Medicial Center at the nations capital, with the World Series trophy to visit wounded soldiers. Im sure President Obama is very excited to meet them but he is loyal to his team. President Obama was caught wearing a White Sox cap while throwing his first honorary pitch at a home opener for the Washington Nationals. President Obama is a White Soxs fan, raised in Chicago he made it clear that he likes the Soxs better than the cubs another team in Illinois. He even asked the military soldiers that were with him who they taught were the better team. Most soldiers favored the Cubs and President Obama chuckled "Terrible." Our President is a pretty cool guy he's very realistic and fun to be around. Any way its a busy week for the Yankees as they will be visiting the Supreme Court and meet Justice Sonia Sotoamyor, a New York native. After wards maybe a posible lunch with the Senate and wounded soldiers. These events will definetly mark thier Championship win .Yup its a busy but interesting week for the players. I wonder what Derek Jeter is thinking now that hes gonna meet the president.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Goin Green? yea right

I'm sure you hear the term now days that everyone is going green. Its like the hottest thing on the block going green and turning environmental. To help our natural habitat and to preserve our resources. They started to tell people to take off chargers and turn lights off if your not using it. That's good it does save electricity but you shouldn't have to tell people that it should be natural instinct. Be real I mean why would you leave something on if your not using it. That's just being retarded your just gonna get your electric bill up and wastes it electricity and energy. You shouldn't try to go green just because someone says it, you should already do it from the beginning its not that hard to stop wasting and start saving. Many people don't realize these things or even care, so far going green is not successful. There are only a select few who try make an attempt to save energy and adapt to a certain lifestyle. Any way I heard that now we have recyclable cars that also run on electricity. Gas is gonna be a old thing if more of these cars start to produce and for a low price too. That's the only problem these cars are very expensive its like a luxury. What I don't understand is if you really want people to go green why should it be a privilege only a few people can afford the car. You should make it cheaper or at a reasonable amount so majority can purchase it instead of a select few. Its pretty cool though the new Hybrid cars run on batteries and you can recharge them. Also most car parts that are old can be recycled because it was made from organic and raw materials. Next thing you know there will be solar powered cars. Hey they're working on them.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Destruction in Thailand

Recently in Bangkok,Thailand at least two people were killed and as many as 50 wounded due to a grenade explosion. The grenades were launched frm the area where anti-government protestors also known as the Red shirts had gathered to riot. The police and helicopter were not in the area at the time. Prime minister Abihist Vejjajiva had an emergency meeting with theThai armed forces chief on what to do to protect the people. The purpose for the Red shirts to do this because they are against Abihist. They want him to dissolve from the government. They are very pro Minister Thaksin. They want new elections and they want Abihist to leave the country.On Monday about 1,500 troops form Thailand military will be stationed at the area. To protect the financial center at houses office of the nations largest companies. Many clashes between both sides have caused many loss in citizen deaths. Thailand is now in a state of emergency. This is some serious stuff right here. Too bad were not doing anything about it

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Kal Penn gets robbed

you guys all remember him as Kumar from White Castle or Dr.Kuttner from House. Well his real name is Kal Penn. He put his acting business on hold for a while and went to work with the President at the White House. Kal is still a current member of President Obama's staff. He is the Associate Director in the office of Public Engagement. Recently he got mugged. It happened in D.C. , some guy decided to take a gun and point it at him which was really stupid. Dont mess with Kumar guys he will get his poeple on you. The perp took Kal's wallet and two cellphones. One of the cellphones was given by the government and one was his own personal one. The robber has both so now the Government can track him. The secret service is trying to hunt him down right now. They joined Metro Police dept of D.C. This is so dumb I mean how retarded is this guy to rob government staff. I hope he gets caught. Deosnt he know what GPS is. Its on all the new phones especially government cell phones. see what happens when you are illiterate and you dont know who your dealing with. He probably thought Kal is just any ordinary guy. In the movies he is really funny but Kal is a very smart guy. Afterwards he contacted White House communications, who stopped service on the stolen phone and gave Penn a new one. No official numbers were on the phone so no information was obtained either. Im just glad hes alright and the Secret service got his back. good luck to Kal on his currnet job and the to finding the robber but I hope he does still get back to showbiz and do some funny movies and cool shows.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Playoff predictions

The playoffs have begun and today the Lakers play once again. They beat the Thunders although it was a great battle. Russel Westbrooks and Kevin Durant both put up some great numbers and showed incredible athletcisim. I think Kevin Durant will be a great player in the future even though he right now he is one but he will get even better. I think his team is capable of winning but I dont think they will win the whole series ir make it to the playoffs. Lakers are looking pretty storng, they will take this series but can they make it to the finals once again. Who knows maybe they will but it will be hard. I dont think they will this year. I hope they do though. Cavs are defintely gonna beat Chicago but Derek Rose is a great player he is leading his team and playing hard but there is just not enough talent compared to the Cavs team. Derek Rose is also a great player to look for in the future. I go for Miami but Boston is gonna beat them unfortunatley if Dwade had another potential athlete to work with him he would get somewhere. I think the Nuggets are gonna win. Mr. Bigshot Aka bbbbBillups and Carmelo is gonna tear it up. Deron Williams is a good pointgaurd and Utah is a good team but the Nuggets overall are better. Suns and Blazers are a good matchup maybe blazers can take it. Dallas and Spurs. I think Spurs will take it.Hawks will definetley beat the Bucks. Magics will defintley take the Bobcats maybe even Sweep them.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Many people fail in life, not for the lack of ability or brains or even courage but simply because they have never organized their energies around a goal. I'll make sure that will never happen to me. The past is the past. Im done with it and Im focused. Im not gonna regeret and never look back its a waste of time and energy. Im focusing on the positive. Cant wait till college. Im working hard. Im determined. I gotta make it for a lot of reasons. Yea im done venting lol.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

K-Mart making his team look like fools

Kenyon Martin is a jokester as we all know. You can clearly see it on the court he can take a joke. At times he can also look like a grouch. On April 1stone of his teammates went too far on an April Fool pranks. He took it to the next level. He filled one of Martins rangerover with buttered popcorn. Martin was furious. The popcorn ruined his white interior and Martin went berserk. He told his teammates and quote "I swear to god,boy....when I find out who did it... Im gonna put my motherf**ckin hands on one of ya'll. Im gonna put my hands on whoever did it on... you best believe it...its f**ckin personal. Later after Martin was calm he found out it was teammate J.R. Smith's driver. The Driver apologized for the prank but Martin did not accept. I would me mad too though it mean its a car messin up the interior tha tmaybe hard to clean. So never mess with a mans whip. Its very valuable. Thats like going over the limit to a prank. It loks kind of suspicous because why would J.R. Smiths driver do it. Maybe J.R. smith had it planned or arranged but let his driver take the fall for it. He mightve wanted to stay on Martins goodside.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

MJ the king of pop gone because he popped some pills

Recently they are going over the cause of micheal Jacksons death. So far it is not certain of what it was but they have a possible explanation. Micheal had trouble sleeping the night before his death. Police found his pill bottle that contained energy boosted pills. It would get the singer hype for a big show. The bottle had no lable on it but had 13 tablets. Each tablet contained a little bit of ephederine,caffeine, and aspirin. Ephederine has been banned in the U.S. because it had a history of heart attacks, strokes,and different deaths. One pill had 25mg of ephederine,200mg of caffeine,and 80mg of aspirin. the caffeine in the pills are equivalent to six cans of soda. The rug was found in Michaels urine. Was this a planned death? Why would doctors prescribe that medicine if it was already banned? Why would he take it if he knew it had risks. It could have been a natural death but think about it you never know. They might charge his doctor for murder or Malpractice for the wrong diagnosis. They might take his medical license away. They will get to the bottom of it eventually and we will know about it.