
Who thinks Lebron is getting cocky?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Oil spill in Gulf

Everyone is concerned about the oil spill that occured at the Gulf of Mexico. The big spill was a big disaster for B.P. On April 20th there was an explosion and fire on a drilling rig. 11 workers were missing and presumed dead. The rig eventaully sank two days later. This is a major issue. We have to look at this in every possible way with every possible option and what it can result in. The oil leak has spread and is realeasing up to 5,000 barrels a day. We have to act fast since B.P wass responsible but they cant handle it so they must be assisted by the government. The oil leak can effect us many ways it is infecting our water, our natural resources, Who knows where it can end up. Its also wasted oil, which is hard to find because it is a fossil fuel its not rennewable. Onced its used it is gone. This is hurtng B.P. as well they lost a lot of money and supply. This inncident can really hurt them and economy is already bad we dont need a major company to fail right now. Animals and wildlife are taking a beating from this too. It is violating and hurting their life in thier natural habitat. They will not be able to adapt and will soon wipeout. We have to see how all this can affect us in the long run. I just found out that there was a new leak recently found. Initially there were two leaks one at the end of the riser and the other from the source which is the wellhead. There is now a newly discovered third leak which means more oil is spewing out. The good news is that there was a sucessful way of removing some of the oil from the water. It is called an in-situ burn which basically moves the oil to another location and burns it. Not the best solution but a good start to remove the slimy stuff from the ocean. We just have to take everything one step at a time and slove this as soon as possible. Well see what happens through out the week.


I took my SAT's Saturday and I feel kind of confident in doing good. I hope I got atleast a 1500 for my first time. Im aiming for atleast a 1900. I didnt prepare that well for this one but I got all summer to study for the one in Ocotober. Wow this year is over. Thats crazy Im a senior. Its amazing how time flies. Three years went by so fast and next year is gonna go by even quicker but it will be a year to remember. So will this year I will remember all the achievements and all the work I have done. All the events I attended. All the fun I had. Man I wish my plan for highschool keeps running smooth so that way my plan for college will be put into work. if everything goes my way Columbia University here I come.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Review of class party

The food I ate last Friday in our end of the year journalism party was good. I had 3 slices of Dominos pizza. Their new formula on the pizza is a real improvement. Their crust is just right, not too crispy and not too soggy. They also put garlic on it and it enhanced the flavor. It was a perfect party we had everything. From drinks to dessert. The chinese food was pretty good. I had rice and the chicken wings were crispy. The flavor of the general tso's chicken was great their sauce is always satisfying. The chips were alright they acted as our appetizers. The best part about eating was that we had soda to drink it down with. They had every kind of flavor. I drank orange soda and it was refreshing. At the end I had chocolate cakes with the creme filling. Overall it was a chill party we had friends, food, and music. Thats all we needed to have fun and fill our stomachs. Id like to thank everyone that was involved and the people who planned it out to make sure it went according to plan. I also liked how they got a gift for Mr.Mulligan at the end because he was the real reason we got to throw the party, he gave us his permission. He deserved it, he's a cool teacher to take his time out and think about us. What a way to do it too, connecting the party with a lesson about "food reviews." Well we hope you like the tie Mr. M, add it to your collection.