
Who thinks Lebron is getting cocky?

Monday, January 25, 2010


Avatar came out it looks like a good movie. I think im gonna go watch it this week because its regents week and im free. i dont have any regents to take so i got off. Oh im getting carried away back to the topic. Well its like a fantasy movie aobut creatures with lnad and the us govt ries to research about their speices. They are harmless yet they try to conquer their land. this sounds like us now in Iraq. i guess its tryin gto send a message.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Theres a new movie coming out called the Legion. It looks kinda freaky and wack. I mean its fantasy but then again its about angels and demons and stuff but the trailer is wierd.It show old lady tryin to bite someone like shes a vampire or something. Her teeth are sharp. Also some guy with long arms comes out from a ice cream truck? like what is that. Any way its like a group of angels protecting this pregnant women from demons and stuff. They say her baby is the last hope for humanity and that what their protecting. Lets see how it goes some people are suspensing it and hyping it up to making it hot. I beg to differ but well see its already released. Catch it in theaters.

Jets lose to Colts

Ahhhhh man very dissapointed the Jets loss to the Colts. The final score was 17 to 30. I really thought they were gonna go far this year. I mean Giants, the other New York team I like had their chance. I wanted the Jets to go all the way. But its okay i expected them to lose cause Colts are a very good and competitive team. Oh well maybe next year.

Knicks vs Mavericks

Knicks played the Mavericks and they got kncoked down hard. It was their worst possible loss. The highest scorer was Jared Jeffries and hes not even a star, he lead with 14 points. David Lee was second he had 11 points. I mean it was a disaster the starters didnt even play well and then the they brought the bench in and they still didnt do good. The Mavericks scored over a hundred and lead and beat the Knicks by 50. The final score was 128-78. Knicks couldnt even make it to 90's or 100's. They just gave up and they need to start working on their gamne again. I just hope they make it to the playoffs. They have to work harder because this game was just a disgrace and embarassing performance. Link to the story is below.

Friday, January 22, 2010


All star weekend is coming up and everyone is excited. Im looking out for the dunk contest the most thats the event to watch. Especially because they have Nate and Shannon brown competing I dont know why Lebron didnt sign up even though he announced he would enter last year. The allstar game is will also be exciting this year they have some great players competing on both squads. East vs West. Who do you think will win.

Lakers take a harsh loss

Lakers lose to the Cavs and I think it was an unfair game. The final score was 93 to 87. First off lebron was getting all the calls and Lakers barley got the right calls that they needed. NO foul calls. Its like the officials wanted the Cavs to win. I mean both teams played a good game and both teams are good but I think they didnt give the lakers a fair chance and Cavs had the advantage because it was their home. Lebron kept complaining so he gets his calls. Kobe didnt get his calls you dont see him complaining. Another problem was Pau Gasol and some players werent playing hard and giving it their all but still officials didnt give them the foul calls either. It doesnt matter though Lakers have the better record and its just a season game loss. Lebron was celebrating like it was a championship win, i dont blame him I would be excited too if I beat Kobe's team. I think hes getting too cokcy and its all an act of being hubmle. I hope he changes his way but no doubt about it he got talent and he could be the best after kobe leave but he has to change his personality and let go of his ego. Theres a link on the game with full details below.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Kobe 24>23

Kobe Bryant is the best of the best. I mean I cant take anything away from MJ. He will forever be the greatest of all time. He changed sports. But I think Kobe bryant is better than him athletically. Yea i said it. I mean Jordan achieved more and played in a agressive and contact time of game but Kobe plays in a whole new era where it is more complicated and advanced. I just think Kobe is more skilled as a player, the things he does. The guy did what nobody ever did score 81 points. He ven plays with a broken finger and shoots with 4 fingers. thats crazy and his shot is still on point. I'd like to see Lebron shoot with one finger broken. Not taking away anything from Lebron but he needs to mature set his priorities straight and win a title. He needs to learn alot of things and I think Kobe is the best role model to follow.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Disaster in Haiti

Ahhh man what can I say its just a sad thing to see. it was a natural disaster the Earthquake that struck Haiti. The ricktor scale was 7.1 I hope my country is not at risk and is safe. I hope those people are okay. I just wish I can do something and help them because they're helpless. I mean lets be real what if those are your own people and Haiti was your country. Even if they arent their still human.


Denzel Washingtons back with a new movie called "The Book of Eli." It looks pretty good. dnezel has a new character. Its like the first time he made an action movie with a lot of fighting, its unique. The story is uncertain and not revealing in the trailer but it looks like its the end of the world and its a desert area. Everyone is after this book that Denzel has and thats all that it looks like. I thnik Ima go watch it. Anybody know any new good movies coming out?

Friday, January 8, 2010

What I wanna know now is why were they fighting if they are still friends? They dont seem to make it personal or take it serious. Its so weird i dont know what to believe or what story to follow. None of it adds up because no one is taking anything serious. Arenas is still joking around and smiling. I believe he should be punished or something to be done for his actions, and fast. it seems he didn't learn his lesson.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Gilbert Arena's Gun Game

Man were gonna lose a pretty good player because of the wrong choices he made. What I wanna know is why would he resort to guns when hes a millionaire. He can face possible jail time or be banned from the NBA.